In this video you’ll learn how to create the type of RSS Blog Post Notifications feature offered by MailChimp and other SaaS email services, but using WordPress and Fluent CRM.

The advantages of doing this from within your own website are numerous, including lower cost, greater control, and the ability to further tag and track your subscribers behavior within your Marketing Automation.

The setup of blog post notifications for Fluent CRM is simple enough for anyone to accomplish.

First, you create an RSS feed for your WordPress site by adding “/feed” at the end of your URL.

Next, you create a new email template in FluentCRM that you will use everytime you have new blog post notifications.

When creating the email, you can either use the RSS Feed Block in Gutenberg, or you can do as I’ve shown in the video and use a text link and image with link that lead to the latest post.

Be sure to add a merge tag to personalize the name of the email recipients of your Blog Post Notifications.

I suggest you would get better results with an image and link, because your audience will come to realize that the short and sweet message you’re sending is something they can easily choose to click on or ignore…without needing to worry about missing out or feeling too much pressure.

Finally, be sure you add some html above and below images in order to ensure that the text does not wrap around and cause unpredictable styling issues. You can use the following syntax in an HTML block for Gutenberg:

<div style="clear:both"></div>

Once you’re done, you can segment your list in Fluent CRM and send them a single email campaign where the template you’ve just created is used as a way to complete the setup quickly.

All you need to do is change out the featured image and post link to the new post content.

Be sure you use a WordPress email log plugin, such as WP Mail Logging in order to test that your new template looks and acts as you wish for various email clients.

If you are using Fluent SMTP, you can use the email logging capability built in there instead.

I recommend you send a notice of every new post to your list to start to build a regular expectation of this type of content as well as to help you obtain feedback as to what your subscribers prefer for future posts.

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