In this video you’ll learn how to record, transcribe, and highlight your Zoom meetings so you can focus on the conversation.
Fathom records, transcribes, and replaces note taking with a click of a button on your Zoom calls, so you can simply focus on the conversation at hand. Easily share call highlights with your team via email, Slack, or auto-generated summaries sent to your CRM.
Remarkably, it is currently a free product and produces the type of high-end results that normally require an expensive intermediary service. This may be a result of their early-stage of development, but the incredibly powerful and useful features are more typical of a much more mature product.
I recommend this product for anyone using Zoom to onboard new clients or customers, as well as for team meetings. Although the features and benefits are numerous, I found the following uses particularly helpful to my daily routine (where I have four to eight Zoom calls with prospective customers):
1) The ability to instantly record audio, video and live transcription into a format that is nearly real-time ready for copying and pasting into my CRM, email, documents, a blog post, or even to share with team members or prospective clients.
2) The ability to navigate via the transcript or the video, edit the same, segment into categories, or otherwise search and manipulate the resulting data.
3) The high degree of accuracy in the transcription and the differentiation between who is speaking are very much appreciated and better than many other products I’ve used before.
4) The replacement for Zoom’s native recording in the Cloud and mediocre transcript capabilities, especially now that they seem to be cracking-down on the 5GB limits for paid accounts. This represents a huge value proposition in itself!
5) The lack of any JavaScript or other screen-related “freezing” or lockup as I often have when using Zoom’s native interface on Windows or Mac. My resource manager did not seem to mind that I was getting real-time recording and transcription on top of the Zoom layer as it did with other products.
6) Fathom offers a wide range of collaboration features, such as screen sharing, annotation, and whiteboarding, which can be helpful for demonstrating and discussing your product or service with prospective customers.
7) Fathom has a user-friendly interface that is easy to navigate, with privacy and notification controls, which can help to create a smooth and professional experience for your prospective customers.
8) Fathom also has robust security features to ensure the privacy and confidentiality of your calls, which can be important when discussing sensitive business matters with prospective customers.
9) Fathom’s scheduling and calendar integration features make it easy to organize and manage your zoom calls with prospective customers.
Will people be uncomfortable with recording Zoom calls?
This from the Fathom FAQ Page:
If you’ve not recorded calls before we’ve found that you’re much more likely to worry about this than your attendees ever will. In fact, inside of certain roles like Sales & Customer Success already over 90% of calls are recorded (with the exceptions typically being sensitive legal or enterprise sales).We’re also seen that over 50% of attendees would like access to the call recording, so rather than be worried they’ll be excited that you’re recording the call for their benefit as well (don’t worry, Fathom allows you to share the call recording without sharing your highlights & notes).
Finally, if at any time your attendees are uncomfortable, Fathom gives you a way to pause recording.
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